Heritage Elementary
Parent Teacher Association
PTA Leadership Team
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2024-2025 Board Members and Committee Chairs
President: Angel Are
Vice President: Shruti Kulkami
Treasurer: Stacey Phipps
Secretary: Courtney Knight
Audit Committee: Samantha Bailey
Membership Chair: Keena Lewis
Advocacy Chair: Anna Cole
Nominating Committee Chair: Amber Smith
School Principal: Amy Harmon
Teacher Representative: Ginny Poulsen
At-Large Board Member: Evan Jones (Teacher)
At-Large Board Member: Melissa Austin (Admin)
At-Large Board Member: Katie Schwartz (Parent)
Book Fair: Angel Are, Matthew McCarley
Community Partnership: Chelsea Allshouse
Family Dance: OPEN
Fun Run: OPEN
GoPlaySave: Anna Cole, Shurti Kulkami
Holiday Gift Shop: OPEN
Spirit Night: Katie Schwartz
Spirit Wear: Ashley Laver, Brooke Demoret
Yearbook: Ami Zach
Birthday Lunch: Letty Schreck
Cultural Arts: Liz Coldagelli
Staff Appreciation: Kirby Neal, Brooke Demoret, Ashley Slaughterbeck
Reflections: Liz Coldagelli
Room Parent/Volunteer Coordinator: Colleen Bergren
Social Media: OPEN
Webmaster: Adam Bergren
Bulletin Boards: Ashley Slaughterbeck, Mary Gibson
BAC Coordinator: Melanie Mottershead
PTA News
The HES PTA partners with the school’s Principal /Teachers, School System and Community to communicate with parents important information about what is happening in and around our school. This communication is presented in several ways and every effort is made to ensure that students and parents are well informed and that information is updated and easy to find.
PTA Board and General Meeting Minutes
Heritage Elementary School PTA
Board Meeting Minutes
Media Center, 3:00 PM
July 2, 2024
Board Members Present:
Angel Are - President
Shurti Kulkami – Vice President
Stacey Phipps – Treasurer
Amy Harmon – School Principal
Ginny Poulsen – Teacher Representative
Keena Lewis – Membership
Melissa Austin – Assistant Principal
Evan Jones – Teacher Representative
Board Members Absent:
Courtney Knight - Secretary
Sam Bailey – Auditor
Call to Order: Angel called the meeting to order at 3:02.
Introduction: The purpose of this meeting is to fill vacant board positions, discuss the calendar and upcoming fundraising as well as book fair and birthday lunch. Angel will share the slide show with the board after the meeting.
Vacant Board Positions: Angel made a motion to nominate Anna Cole for Advocacy Chair, Amber Smith for Nominating Chair and Katie Schwartz for At Large Board Member (Parent). Seconding the Motion – Amy Harmon. After votes have been counted, the motion passes.
Calendar: The proposed calendar was introduced. After receiving updated school event calendar, the TBD dates will be decided on. General meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of every other month starting in October. All changes will be updated on the calendar and slideshow prior to the slide show being sent to board members.
Budget: PTA is currently waiting for the “actual” numbers for last year’s proposed budget. President and Treasurer will work to get this budget completed by end of first week of school and send out to the board for approval.
GoPlaySave: This will begin on Aug 12-6. The proceeds from this fundraiser will help reduce the cost of field trips for all students. Teachers said that incentives like hat day, 10 extra minutes of recess, etc. are easy to implement and can be used as incentives.
Membership Drive Strategy: It is important for parents to understand that signing up for the PTA does not mean you HAVE TO VOLUNTEER. It is a way to streamline notifications to parents. Room parents will take a more active role in getting volunteers for the events.
Book Fair: This event will be held Aug 26-30 with the Family night on Aug 27. Angel will be the Chair and will start working to put together a committee and volunteers.
Birthday Lunch: Discussion was held about some of the concerns around birthday lunch. New procedures will be put in place to help alleviate these concerns: 1) setting up multiple computers in the lobby for parents to actually sign in through the visitor system instead of just on paper, 2) parents will be asked to coordinate a date with the teacher for cupcakes (not given at lunch since they already are receiving a popsicle), 3) more volunteers to staff event and cover the lobby, 4) all parents will be asked to leave the cafeteria BEFORE the students are dismissed.
Open Discussion: Floor was opened up for questions/answers. 1) Angel will be sending an “I NEED/I WANT” survey for the teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. All requests will be discussed with administration and approved prior to the purchase. 2) Discussion was had about how much funds a “nonprofit” can hold and what to do with any excess funds. 3) Possible cleanup dates were added to the calendar.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:31.
Amber Smith
Katie Schwartz
Anna Cole
PTA Budget:
Income and Expenses
Financial Reports are presented each month at our PTA meeting.
For information, contact Scott Coldagelli.