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Our Sponsors

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors!

We are proud to partner with the following businesses who, like us, want to fulfill the educational potential for every student.  We would like to thank our sponsors for having a vital role in allowing students and teachers to better play, learn and grow together.

HES PTA + Corporate Sponsorship = stronger students, teachers, families and communities.
Please support them as they’ve so generously supported us.

Become a Sponsor!

The Heritage Elementary PTA is searching for community partners like you!  Our mission is to fulfill the educational potential for every student, not only in the classroom but also in life. As school budgets shrink and class sizes grow, the PTA’s importance in helping provide schools with opportunities and materials increases significantly. We are asking our community to partner with HES for financial support or donations of goods and or services to help us fulfill that mission. 


There are a number of corporate sponsorship levels so even the smallest of businesses can be involved!  With your tax-deductible donation, you will not only help support our school, but this opportunity will also showcase your business with appreciation and recognition in our community.


If you need further information or have another way that you think your business could support our school, please contact the PTA President or the Community Partnership Coordinator to discuss these opportunities.​

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