Heritage Elementary
Parent Teacher Association


GoPlaySave Coupon Book Fundraiser! Want more information on this event: Triangle GoPlaySave | How It Works​
Go Play Save
Thank you to all the families that participated in the GoPlaySave Fundraiser. We were able to raise $6033 which went directly to HES Field Trip costs saving each student just over $9 of their field trip fees.
We have received so much positive feedback from parents about this savings, that next year, the goal is to cover 100% (approximately $9500). The event will still take place at the beginning of the year and you will receive a permission slip for your student to participate. This way, only families that want to participate will receive books to sell.
Book Fair
Heritage Elementary School Book Fair
This year our book fair was successful because we had 94% participation by volunteers. This is our most attended event so far this year. The teachers and staff loved the change we made this year of not taking away from instructional time and doing the book fair during media/guidance specials. We look forward to this new way of doing this event next year.
We raised $5620 that goes directly to Ms. Drew to replace many of our damaged and lost library books as well as get some new series too. We may be moving the bookfair until Spring so that we don’t have so much going on at the beginning of the school year. Watch for those updates.
Introducing eWallet! A simple way to parents to help manage/pay for items at the book fair. Instead of sending cash or check with your child to purchase books at the book fair next week, sign up for eWallet!

Hurricane HERO Hustle
As we are approaching our Fun Run (May) we need your help to ensure the overall success! Liz Coldagelli has offered to be committee chair but we will need a few more members for the committee as well as volunteers to help out.
If you want to join the committee or get more information, please email us at president@heritagepta.org.
If you want to volunteer, check back and the sign up link will be posted below as we get closer to the event. Together we can make this a great experience for all!
Spirit Wear
Shop for your Heritage Elementary Spirit Wear here.
Ashley and Brooke did an amazing job designing this year’s spirit wear. Be sure to snag one, or two, for your child(ren) to sport all year long. Remember, Friday’s are SPIRIT WEAR DAY at HES!
You can pay online and the merchandise will be delivered to your student’s classroom.
Spirit Nights
Bring the family, meet your friends and see your teachers and staff at our
HES Spirit Night events.
Spirit nights are fundraising events where different restaurants and venues in the community donate a portion of the proceeds back to our PTA/school. All you have to do is take the night off cooking, show up, and mingle with the HES community.
We can’t wait to see you at these super fun events!
January 23, 2025 - Galaxy Fun Park
HES PTA receives 15% of all admission and concession fees from 4-7 pm.

The cover has been picked and the yearbook committee is hard at work putting it together. Remember, if you have taken any candid photos at any PTA events, school events or field trips, please send them to our yearbook committee.
Ads for 5th graders are currently on sale and need to be completed by: March 28, 2025
Visit https://plicbooks.com/go/JLU2YJ to purchase your ad and an email will be sent to you to start designing.
Order yearbooks at www.Strawbridge.net and our online code is YB30781. Yearbooks cost $20 if order is placed before April 4, 2025. Costs go up to $25 after this date and the final date to order is May 9, 2025.
We will have limited extras but once they are gone, they’re gone.