Heritage Elementary
Parent Teacher Association

End of Grade
Parent Volunteers Needed to serve as Proctors for End-of-Grade Testing
Proctor’s Responsibility:
Your main responsibility as a proctor is to monitor the students during the testing session. It is very important they work in the correct section, are bubbling correctly, and the security of the test is maintained. Proctors are the “silent monitors” who will alert the test administrator (the teacher) of anything that deviates from the testing procedures.
In order to serve as a Proctor, you must be registered and approved WCPSS Volunteer and you must attend one of the Proctor Training Sessions. Ideally, we would like to use Parent Volunteers who are available to help all three days, but would appreciate any time you have available. Proctors would need to be signed in and at their testing locations no later than 8:15am each day, and testing should be completed by 12:00pm each day.
Training Dates:
You only need to attend one of the training sessions
All training sessions will be held from 8:15am-9:00am in the Media Center. Please note if you plan on proctoring for track 1, you need to attend one of the May dates.​ *If you proctor at the middle school, you may request a copy of your verification of training form from either Heritage Elementary or the middle school. Both sessions are the same.
EOG Testing Dates:
Track 1
Tracks 2, 3, & 4
If you have any questions, Please contact: